Tailoring atomic layer growth

  • 2018 Nov 22

In this recent contribution, we offer a new approach to tailor the growth of thin atomic layers on metallic substrates. Read about it in Nature Communications

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2D-INK ... the movie

  • 2018 Nov 11

2D-INK (http://www.2d-ink.eu) is a European project targeted at developing inks of novel 2D semiconducting materials for low-cost large-area fabrication processes on insulating substrates through a new methodology, which will exceed the properties of state-of-the-art graphene- and graphene oxide based inks. Watch the movie.

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Linearly Nanopatterned Covalent Chemical Functionalization of Graphene

  • 2018 Nov 11

A great step forwards in controlling chemical functionalization of graphite and graphene. Self-assembled alkane monolayers as templates do the job. Read about it in ACS Nano

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Dynamics of Supercoiled DNA

  • 2018 Nov 11

Together with colleagues from LMU and Kanazawa University, we investigated the free energy landscape and dynamics of supercoiled DNA by AFM (published in ACS Nano).

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Nanoshaving and chirality: new paper in JACS

Curious about how shaving works at the nanoscale and affects chirality? Find out more in our latest paper.

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Nature Communications

  • 2018 Aug 29

Our latest publication in Nature Chemistry tackles a puzzling issue in supramolecular systems, that is, the origin of single-handedness in near-racemic mixtures of two non-interconvertible enantiomers upon cooperative supramolecular assembly.

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Best oral contribution

Congratulation to Peter Walke, for his "best oral contribution" at the SPMonSPM 2018 conference in Leuven

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Self-Assembled Polystyrene Beads for Templated Covalent Functionalization

A network of self-assembled polystyrene beads was employed as a lithographic mask during covalent functionalization reactions on graphitic surfaces to create nanocorrals for confined molecular self-assembly studies.

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SPMonSPM 2018, August 20-24, Leuven (Belgium)

Dear colleagues, dear friends,On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are delighted to announce the fourth edition of Scanning Probe Microscopy on Soft and Polymeric Materials (SPMonSPM 2018) to be

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E-MRS meeting

You’re all very welcome to attend the E-MRS symposium on “Scanning probe frontiers in molecular 2D-architecture world”, June 18 – 22, 2018, in Strasbourg. Abstract submission deadline is January 18.

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